The Nyungwe National Park is managed by African Parks which works with the Rwanda Development Board. The park entrance fees for Nyungwe differ according to which activities you are going to do and in which national park you are going to visit.
Park entrance fees into Nyungwe National Park are US$100 per person for a day visit, US$150 for a two day visit and US$200 for a three day stay.
Currently, the fees vary depending on whether you are a Rwandan National, Foreign Resident or Foreign Visitor and which activities you are interested in and the duration of your visit.
Activity Fees
Chimpanzee Tracking with Guides: 1 Day: costs 90$ for Foreign National Residents, $60 Foreign Resident, Rwf5,000 Rwandan Citizen, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 60$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf2,500 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 5$ for EAC Students, 30$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Other Primate Tracking(Colobus, mangabeys,Blue Monkeys) with Guides, 1Day: costs 60$ for Foreign National Residents, $40 Foreign Resident, Rwf5,000 Rwandan Citizen, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 40$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf1,500 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 3$ for EAC Students, 20$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Camping Per tent site Per Night, costs 30$ for Foreign National Residents, $20 Foreign Resident, Rwf5,000 Rwandan Citizen, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 20$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf2,500 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 20$ for EAC Students, 15$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Guided Nature walk of Trails, 1 Day, Additional Days(50%) : USD40 for Foreign Nation Residents, 30$ Foreign Residents, Rwf3,000 for local Rwandan Citizens, 5$ for EAC Nationals, 30$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf1,500 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 3$ for EAC Students, 20$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Guided Birding Walk, 1 Day, Additional Days(50%):
USD50 for Foreign Nation Residents, 40$ Foreign Residents, Rwf5,000 for local Rwandan Citizens, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 40$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf2,000 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 5$ for EAC Students, 20$ for Foreign Resident Students
Canopy Adventure Guided Hike: 1 Day, USD60 for Foreign Nation Residents, 50$ Foreign Residents, Rwf5,000 for local Rwandan Citizens, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 50$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf5,000 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 5$ for EAC Students, 25$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Tropical Waterfall Guided Hike: 1 Day, USD50 for Foreign Nation Residents, 40$ Foreign Residents, Rwf5,000 for local Rwandan Citizens, 10$ for EAC Nationals, 40$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf2,000 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 5$ for EAC Students, 20$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Congo Nile Guided Hike: 3 Days (about 42kms), costs 100$ for Foreign National Residents, $70 Foreign Resident, Rwf10,000 Rwandan Citizen, 20$ for EAC Nationals, 70$ for EAC Foreign Residents, Rwf5,000 for Rwandan Citizen Students, 10$ for EAC Students, 35$ for Foreign Resident Students.
Park Guides, who are Park employees, are required for all walks and hikes through Nyungwe. At this point, the Project recommends that you contact the tour operators for further information.
Chimpanzee tracking fees
Chimpanzee tracking fees in Nyungwe National Park are: US$90 per person each day for non residents, whereas residents pay US$60 , each resident foreign citizen pays 500oRwf, Nationals from the East Africa Community (EAC) pay $10, then East Africa Community (EAC) Foreign Residents each pays $60 per day.
Students who are Rwanda citizens pay Rwf2, 500, East Africa Community (EAC) students pay $5 each day and then Students who are foreign residents pay $30 daily.
Other Primates Watch activity prices
To see Other Nyungwe primates, non residents pay $60 per individual, foreign residents each pays $40 each daily, and then local Rwanda citizens pay 5000 Rwf each daily. EAC Foreign Residents pay $40 daily, Rwandan Citizen Students pay Rwf 1,500 daily per person, EAC Students pay $3 daily per person and then Foreign Resident Students pay 20$ each daily.
Nyungwe Guided nature walks:
The various guided walks in the park are charged US$40 per individual daily for non-residents, while resident foreigners pay US$30 per person daily. Rwanda residents pay between Rwf 3,000 and 4,000 for entrance fees per individual daily to enjoy a guided nature walk, while East Africa Community (EAC) nationals pay $5 daily, East Africa Community (EAC) non-foreigner residents pay $30 daily per person, and the Resident foreigners pay $20 per person daily, Students who are Rwandan Citizens pay Rwf 1,500 daily per person, $15, while Students who are Foreign Residents pay $20.
Nyungwe Bird Watching:
For birding watching in Nyungwe non-foreign residents are charged $50 per person daily, foreign residents pay $40 per person each day, local

Rwandan Citizens then pay 5000Rwf per person per day, East Africa Community nationals pay $20per person each day, East Africa Community foreign residents pay $40 per person daily, Students who are citizens of Rwanda pay Rwf2,000 per person per day, East Africa Community students pay $60 per person per day, Foreign Resident Students then pay $80 each per day.
Nyungwe Canopy Walk:
Foreign Visitor are charged $60 for the Canopy walk per person, Foreign Resident are charged $50 per person and then local Rwanda residents pay 5000Rwf per person. East Africa Community Nationals pay $10 for per person and then East Africa Community Foreign Residents pay $50 per person. Students who are Rwandan Citizen pay Rwf5, 000 per person, East Africa Community student pay $5 per Student, while Students who are Foreign Resident pay $25.
However the park management of Nyungwe National Park offers amazing discounts to young people especially those less than fifteen (15) years.